18 Years and Counting
As Mens et Manus Ltd Architecture approaches its 18th year of business, it does not seem dissimilar to my son’s recent 18th birthday.
We are in many ways entering adulthood. Years of experience and building up a knowledge base offer an exciting opportunity and a springboard with which to approach our design and building endeavours.
It is a good time to reflect and put down thoughts so as to guide our design and how we translate ideas into building.
We started a mind chart and brain-stormed descriptive words that resonated with our view of who we were and who we’d like to continue to develop into. Words for the practice included
Transformative design Process Shared journey Engaging Working with our people
Learning Guided Learning
MIND / KNOWLEDGE Thoughtful and considered design Selected with consideration Informed decision making Informed decision making processes
Design excellence Existing building fabric Space! Light
HANDS / APPLICATION Materiality Tactile Visual complexity Engaging Spatial connections
Makers Crafted Craftsmanship
From there developed a statement for the Practice.
At Mens et Manus our design process and practice of the profession is guided by our Mission Statement.
To embark on a shared journey and create an engaging narrative for transformative design. To build dynamic spatial experiences with thoughtful and considered use of light, space, materiality, and craft. To deliver design excellence in a well-orchestrated project and guide a mutual learning experience, scaffolded by architectural and site expertise, which is invested in the journey of making for our client a place of living.
We then asked: Did we have a certain client?
It seemed we did and we didn’t. We work with a diverse base.
However, everyone with whom we have worked fit the description:
Those with the interest and the desire to invest in design excellence to transform their spaces.
Located in London area; NW sector