My Builders
These builders work hard.
They don’t always drive a glossy new van but they keep being called back by clients for whom they worked.
The success of every project relies on many factors, least of which is a trusting relationship with a good builder. Word of mouth recommendations are always a good starting point for finding a good and reputable builder. Visiting completed projects and looking at the detail and quality of workmanship is the litmus test of a conscientious builder. Meeting in person and talking through the scope and ideas of a project is also key. The challenges of translating a design into something built takes onsite experience and a willingness of the builder to work with the design team to help realise the project.
MeM works with many builders and there are a select number whom I happily call “mine”. They are, in fact, not “mine” but with the long history of working together, there is a trust and respect that develops over many on-site problem solving sessions.
As one example, I met Ryszard many years ago when he completed work to our house. My son, then two-years old, insisted that he eat his lunch with Ryszard’s son, David, who was 15 at the time and had just joined his father as a labourer to help with the rough construction. With over 15 years’ experience, David is now responsible for the finishing work on RIM Building Services Ltd projects. See the top photo.
They remain a small company to this day. I am therefore always pleased when I hear that Ryszard has been called back to site for new tweaks and adjustments to the large-scale construction projects he completed. In that way and with a willingness for hard work, RIM Building Services has continued to help clients as their homes evolve over the years.
Site meeting with Ryszard, a working foreman and founder of RIM Building Services.